Annie Lucas welcomed the quorum to the 30th AGM. Instead of celebrating the 30th anniversary of the LVLTA in style who would have believed it would be held via a zoom meeting at 9.00 am on Friday, 6th November with a cup of coffee instead of a glass of wine!
It’s certainly been a challenging year but many of you have still been playing. Although our numbers are down for the entries for the Winter Vets leagues, we are delighted with the continued support. Last year 256 played in the Vets and 96 in the Supervets. Thanks were given to Val Noble and Alison Trafford for their many hours of hard work.
Barbara Williams has done a great job with the LVLTA keeping players updated, and Lynn as our Treasurer has done sterling work. Both were thanked for their contributions.
Sadly Lizzie Harris is standing down as Honorary Secretary after 7 years. She has done an excellent job and will be missed on the committee! Liz Fazackerley has kindly volunteered to join us and take over Lizzie’s duties and has been confirmed as a committee member.
This year the LVLTA was nominated for the LTA Tennis Leicestershire Competition of the Year in recognition of its contributions to tennis. We were delighted to win the award which was a great achievement.
This year we have made 2 donations of £300.00, one to LOROS and the other to The Royal British Legion.
Anne Lucas