Chairman’s Annual Dinner Speech 2014
Welcome to Devonshire Place once again for the 24th AGM. I hope you have enjoyed your meal and we will endeavour to get through the business of the AGM so we can get on with the main event of the evening.
The Committee continue to work hard on your behalf. Anne Lucas has joined us this year and I know she will be a very efficient member of the Committee.
Once again we have had a good entry for the winter tournament, over 250 ladies playing during the winter months. Lynn continues as Tournament Director, joined this year by Cheryl who has taken on responsibility for half the divisions. I am sure you will all agree that this has worked well. Tournament Director is a big job and we are very grateful to Lynn and Cheryl for so ably managing the organisation of the groups.
Mary Vesty continues to organise the Super Vets Tournament, played during the summer which Mary does most ably.
Mary Jarvis remains as Treasurer looking after the finances of the organisation and has once again agreed that we can give £500 to charity. The Committee decided to donate £250 to 2 charities and we will make the draw for those charities at the end of the AGM.
This year has seen the introduction of We are hugely grateful to Cheryl for the efficient way in which she has organised this and I know she would like to say a few words about it in AOB.
On a sad note I have to inform you that Pat Walne has resigned from the Committee. Pat has worked tirelessly over the years for LVLTA taking over as Tournament Director in difficult circumstances. We have benefited from her hard work and experience. Again I stress that we would welcome new members onto the Committee as we must move forward to continue to thrive with fresh ideas. Please speak to one of us if you are interested in joining a lively Committee dedicated to promoting Ladies Veterans Tennis in Leicestershire.
Finally, my thanks to the staff at Devonshire Place and Carly, in particular, for their support in the organisation of this event.
Wendy England