Chairman’s Annual Dinner Speech 2015
I would like to start my Annual Report by saying a huge thank you to four ladies who are here this evening for their foresight in recognising the need for a tournament for lady veteran tennis players in Leicestershire. They are Jan Provis, Thelma Bull, Joyce Adams and Gill Thompson.
They are just four of the original committee members of seven who are able to be with us tonight. I am sure you didn’t ever think the organisation would become such an amazing success? From a very small beginning we have grown to become one of the largest veteran ladies tennis organisations with over 250 members. Jan, Thelma, Joyce, Gill, please take a bow ladies and let us salute you.
The Committee continues to work very hard on your behalf and I would personally like to thank everyone for their continued support and the efficient way in which they all contribute to making the LVLTA so successful. Lynn Norwood and Cheryl Arlott continue to organise the Winter Tournament in which over 250 members play. Mary Vesty oversees the Summer Supervets and Mary Jarvis looks after our Finances.
Cheryl has been instrumental in getting the website up and running so we can all be kept informed of what is happening within the organisation. This year we were delighted that Liz Harris agreed to join us to become Honorary Secretary. Sandra Middleditch continues to be our Honorary Photographer and she will be on her feet soon to cover the presentation of prizes.
This is my last AGM as Chairman as I am retiring from the Committee and Anne Lucas will be taking over from me? I know that Anne will make a very efficient Chairman and I hope you will all join with me in voting her into that position shortly.
I hope that you have all filled in the slips you were given on your arrival to nominate your favourite charity, as once again we are able donate two £250 cheques. The draw will take place later in the meeting.
You have all received a pen this evening as a momento of our Anniversary. Would you please see Liz later who will give you pens for those members of your club, not present this evening, who have also played in the tournament this year. You were also given a questionnaire about LVLTA clothing. Do please fill them in and Liz will collect them later.
Finally I would like to thank all the staff at Devonshire Place for their support in the organisation of this event.
Wendy England