We hope that you’ve all enjoyed your meal, and I take this opportunity to say a big thank you to the staff for looking after us so well.
Are there any apologies?
There are copies of last year’s minutes on each table. Are there any matters arising from these?
We need to sign these off as an accurate record, can I have a proposer….. and a seconder…..
Thank you
Good evening ladies and gentleman and a very warm welcome to our 33rd AGM and prize giving evening.
It’s really nice to see so many of you here tonight and we thank you for your continued support. We do have to be thankful that we can be enjoying a great sport that also brings such a big social aspect to it and I’m sure many lifelong friends have been made. We trust that you all had good games.
Last year we had 116 entries for the super vets and this year it’s gone up to124 entries, although sadly due to broken bones 2 couples have had to withdraw already and we wish them well. There were 222 entries for the vets.
Organizing the leagues takes many hours of work and is all done on a voluntary basis. We urge you to play at least 3 of your matches before Christmas to avoid late submissions due to for example adverse weather or injuries. As bizarre as this may sound could you also clarify who has won the match when you have finished playing as there have been several discrepancies with the results which causes more work trying to resolve. The rules in the vets are to play 3 full sets regardless and not a tie break decider. Please report anything to Val or Alison in good time if there are any issues to be sorted.
The ‘super vets’ was originally set up as a daytime tournament for ladies over 60 who in that time were most likely retired. We are aware that things have changed with the retirement age rising but we’d like to revert to games being played in the day or weekends and not evenings.
I would like to thank all the committee who continue to do such a great job, to Val Noble and Alison Trafford for their many hours of hard work organizing the leagues. Liz Fazackerley our secretary, Barbara Williams for her skills running our website and Lynn Norwood our treasurer and of course for all of their roles in helping to organize this evening.
On June 15th this year we are running a charity daytime tournament at the Leicestershire club, this will be run in much the same way as the Ann Cloke tournament did for many years which I’m sure many of you have taken part in and enjoyed, there will be lots of good tennis, a fabulous buffet lunch with raffle and prizes and I believe there are still spaces available for anyone who’d like to support us and enter. Profits made will go to The Laura Center and LOROS.
This year we will be donating £300 each to 3 charities of your choice and we will be collecting your nomination forms and will do the draw before the prize giving.
When I took over as chair quite a few years ago now I was handed several albums of photos taken of dinners and tournaments ranging from 1999 to 2010. I have brought them here tonight if you’d like to look at them and if anyone would like any of the photos please let one of the committee know. We are thinking of then archiving them so that they are accessible to look at on the website.
Steve is back again with us this year as photographer, thank you Steve. We will be bringing the prizes to your tables and Steve will follow round to take photos, he will be also happy to do any extras so please do ask.
I now ask Lynn to give us the treasurers report.
Thank you Lynn,
Can I have a proposer to adopt the report……. And a seconder
Is there any other business?
I’m delighted to introduce our speaker tonight, Angela Wortley whom I’m sure many of you will know, Alison is a member of Carisbrooke tennis club and on the committee of the Leicestershire Tennis Festival and the Leicestershire tournaments committee, Thank you Angela.